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Theo Art School offers financial help to students in financial need to encourage all to pursue their dreams of art.
We believe every child should have the advantage of a quality fine art education. We keep our tuition as low as possible and charge no additional class fees; all art supplies are included. We are very grateful for our sponsors who help keep our costs affordable.
Theo Art School offers full scholarships for after-school art classes to all students who are recommended by school counselors, teachers, or local agencies. We also welcome applications from parents that do not have the financial ability to pay for an art class for their children.
We award scholarships during the school year; no summer scholarships are available. The application process is simple, but please note the following important information about our scholarships:
Scholarships are exclusively for After-School Art Classes at Bismarck-Mandan schools.
No summer scholarships are available.
The deadlines to submit an application are:
January 1 for the January-May school session
August 1 for the August-December school session
To Apply:
Download and fill out the Scholarship Application linked here.
Attach a letter from either an educator, counselor, agency, or parent describing the student's scholarship need.
Mail the completed Application and letter to:
Theo Art School
Attn: Executive Director
1810 Schafer Street
Bismarck, ND 58501