Private Events >
Art, Canvas & Wine - Private

Art, Canvas & Wine parties are fun among friends and families! Uncork your creativity!
(If you want to attend a public Art & Canvas class, see Art, Canvas & Wine - Open.)
Art, Canvas & Wine is an evening of fun that's great for a family night, date night, girl's night, or just a friend's night out! As we like to also call it, "Art Uncorked" is a guided art-making experience along with your favorite bottle of wine or drink.
Not sure of your artistic talent? New to art? No problem! Our instructor guides you step by step through the evening's project. Just show up ready to laugh, talk, foster your inner artist, and have fun!
Participants create a new art piece on a 16" x 20" canvas at each and every session. Theo Art School provides all supplies (though you are welcome to bring your own). The paintings are made with acrylic paints, so at the end of the session you can take your masterpiece home.
If you are of drinking age and plan to drink an alcoholic beverage, or your host is serving an alcoholic beverage, please drink responsibly and have a designated driver. We may have guests that come with their young adult children. They don’t drink alcoholic beverages, but they do enjoy being able to participate and be part of an outing with their parent(s).
All ages. Minors under age 15 must be accompanied by an adult.
Dates & Times:
On the registration form, you'll let us know when you want your event and we'll accommodate as we can.
$15/person (member or nonmember)
How to Register
$15/person (member or nonmember)
Payment is due at time of registration. All registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the popularity of this class, we cannot accept registrations without payment unless prior arrangements are made with the Director.
Choose 1 of 3 Ways to Register:
Register online now
by clicking on the
appropriate button
at right and paying
through PayPal. Be
sure and enter the
correct amount
according to costs
at left. -
Register and pay
in person (check or cash only) at Theo Art School 1810 Schafer St., Bismarck, ND 58501. -
Register and pay by mail. Print out this form and mail with your check to:
Theo Art School
1810 Schafer St
Bismarck, ND 58501